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Posts tagged “berlinhipsterfestival2012

Quid du Berlin hipster festival en décembre?

Si vous nous suivez depuis le début, vous savez que le but du site n’est pas tant de décrire le courant des jeunes gens dans le vent de Berlin (les Hipsters donc) que de mener une réflexion sur le référencement naturel des blogs, en particulier ceux sur les plateformes de blogs gratuit comme WordPress.

Google est notre ami en therme de recherche sur l’expression BerlinHipsterfestival2012.


Sur ce moteur de recherche d’ailleurs, nous sommes arrivés premier il y a 6 mois et nous avons gagné notre pari: celui de réussir à référencer un nouveau site sur une nouvelle requête en 8 semaines top chrono.

L’ironie du sort pour les autres participants (et je pense notamment à celui qui est arrivé 2ème), c’est que notre victoire fût de courte durée: le lendemain du concours SEO, notre challenger avait remonté son retard et était classé second!

Depuis cet été, il restait donc en tête des résultats, un fait tout à fait normal puisque tous les participants avaient abandonné leur projet de sites en fin de concours…sauf nous…partiellement en tout cas…étant donné que nous écrivions de temps en temps un nouvel article, mais en ayant totalement abandonné l’idée de développement de backlinks ou de promotion quelconque du site.

Il faut croire que cela a quand même suffit, car oui, nous sommes de nouveau premier!

Ah tout de même, quelle fierté d’être de nouveau en tête du classement ^^


Sur cette bonne nouvelle, nous vous souhaitons en avance de bonnes fêtes de fin d’année et nous espérons vous retrouver très bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures hipstériques (les Inrocks en font leur fond de commerce, on va leur donner matière à écrire alors 😉 )!

How to keep the motivation for the berlinhipsterfestival2012?

Berlin is the coolest city in the world but the main problem here is that the summer never really comes!

There are 3 sunny days and after 2 cold weeks : in those conditions how to enjoy the Berliner Biergarten!

We try to go ahead and to contribute to give a better hipster image of our festival. Believe it or not, it is really hard because of our competitors! We need your support : in 2 weeks we will reveal if we continue our hipster’s aventure or not.

Post comments, like our Facebook page and speak about us with your friends! All the feedback we can get back is the biggest help that you can give us. Hope to read you soon!

When we need a little bit of motivation, we listen to music. And what best music as… PUNK ROCK!!

SUM 41 is definitely the best medication in this case 😀

How to be Indie/Hipster?

This video will show you all the clichés of the hipster community.

It’s fresh, it’s hilarious and well… We guess that it is true.

So good to laugh about ourselves too 😀

Don’t forget to watch the LineUp of the Berlinhipsterfestival2012 and post a comment with the bands that you would like to see at the festival 🙂

Perfect stores to be a perfect Hipster for the Berlin Hipster Festival 2012 part 2

What a great weather for the start of the week.

And after revealing on the 10th of May, 5 good stores to buy the best clothes ever, we’re gonna present you the 5 best shops of Berlin to be the most beautiful Hipster at the BerlinHipsterFestival2012.

TOP 5 for the BerlinHipsterFestival2012

Have a great week !!

TREMENDOUS Last Minute Announcement: MISS PAULETTE

We are so OVER THE MOON to announce you we are going to have a future award-winning author coming to our festival : Miss Paulette.

A simple but yet very well thought nickname to preserve her from paparazzi and fame, Miss Paulette comes from the wonderful country of France, and grew up in Paris most of her life.
One day, Miss Paulette decided upon finishing her studies that she would escape the Joconde and would fly off to Berlin, in order to master the German language – which shes does now – and build a successful career as a writer.

Or at least a blog writer.

Miss Paulette did have the privilege to hang out a lot with Grand Corps Malade while younger, and got acquainted at the earliest age to poetry slam. Now a recognized protégée, and about to release a new book,

Miss Paulette will come to the festival to discuss the topic of her book : 


She will also sign autographs, and last but not least, we will also have the pleasure to have her in a poetry slamming session during that day.

We are very honored of her presence during one day at the BerlinHipsterFestival 2012 and hope we can we let you know quickly when this special day will take place.

Message from Zaath, headliner of the Berlin Hipster Festival 2012

Hey folks,

First of all I’d like to thank (again) the Berlin Hipster Festival 2012 team for organizing this festival. Should be a lot of pain and effort right now but I’m sure it’s worth it.

Second, I ask them if I could write a small post because I want you guys to give me some advices. Since the publication of the official hipster survival guide to Berlin yesterday, I have a couple questions.

Well, obviously, I’m not really in the Berlin underground scene as I came from France less than one year ago. That’s why I wanted to know which kind of outfits I should be wearing during the show.

You can either answer here with a small description of your favorite clothes or post a comment describing who is the best looking guy of the following video:

Lemme know and I’ll see what I can do to fulfill your willings !!

Personally, i find the style of this guy totally awesome!  Have a look :

Cheers !!

Your dearest Zaath !!

The official hipster survival guide to Berlin, Germany

  1. Always wear your sunglasses especially if it is raining
  2. Stay in Kreuzkölln
  3. Buy your clothes only in Mauerpark and try to look like at the beginning of the 90’s (fluorescent headband are more than welcome!)
  4. Never go to the west side of the wall
  5. Never miss a fashion week
  6. Be sure to have a Latte Machiatto or a Club Mate in your hand, even if it is empty
  7. Speak only English
  8. Except a few words like “Scheisse
  9. Go to all Open Airs
  10. Walk as if you dance
  11. Never show your hair: as a pure diamond it has to be hidden under a wooly hat
  12. If you’re a girl you can steal your bf’s baggy jeans, if you’re a guy you wear slim jeans (or your gf’s)

If you’re not sure, watch this video…and learn!


Thank you to Animal New York for the inspiration 🙂

Welcome on the berlinhipsterfestival2012!

Dear guests,

we are  pleased to announce the opening of the website of the first berlinhipsterfestival 2012!

Stay tuned folks!