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Posts tagged “berlin sans fb font

The font of the Berlinhipsterfestival is the Berlin sans FB!

Dear Hipsters,

We would like to introduce you the awesome font that we have chosen for the festival – which is part of our official Graphic Chart.

This is the “Berlin without FB“!

Obviously we chose it because of the name (Berlin, du bist so wunderbar!), of course.

The font also has a dynamic and airy form, and corresponds brilliantly to  our philosophy.

As Microsoft says:

“Berlin Sans is based on a brilliant alphabet from the late twenties, the first without ever Designed That Lucian Bernhard, imaginative and little-known. Assisted by Matthew Butterick, David Berlow expanded the single font Into a series of weights oven, full oven with all character sets Expert, plus one dingbat font”.

What about you, do you have a favorite font?

Put a comment and let’s have a little talk about it 🙂